Noah (Peterpan) - Bintang di Surga (Stars in the heaven)

Stars in the heaven

Still inside myself, this vainness
Sends my bright dreams far away
Sky would catch(es) me right away
Even if I'll fall
And if everything were made
Just for me to use my senses
To feel things had been made
Emptiness would be in life
Exhausted, yet I will find
Find the good heart to divide
And to guide my wand(e)ring steps
But it's all useless
And if everything were made
Not for me to use my senses
Toward remaining good hearts
This life would be empty
Reff :
Like all pure stars in heaven
And all vivid color
And all true faithful love
And the real warm sunlight

Bintang di Surga (Original Version)

Masih ku merasa angkuh
Terbang kenanganku jauh
Langit kan menangkapku
Walau kan terjatuh

Dan bila semua tercipta
Hanya untukku merasakan
Semua yang tercipta
Hampa hidup terasa

Lelah tatapku mencari
Arti untukku membagi
Menemani langkahku
Namun tak berarti

Dan bila semua tercipta
Tanpa harus ku merasakan
Cinta yang tersisa
Hampa hidup terasa

Bagai bintang di surga
Dan seluruh warna
Dan kasih yang setia
Dan cahaya nyata

Oh bintang di surga
Berikan cerita
Dan kasih yang setia
Dan cahaya nyata


  1. What do you think folks?, tomorrow I'll post the Japanese version of one of Anggun song, hope you guys like it 😊


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